Monday, August 5, 2013

shopping at the american girl doll store

On Thursday, while the Uncles took care of the five little boys, the Aunts took the three little girls to the Boston American Girl store in Natick, MA.   My niece Makayla had never been to the American Girl store and her mom didn't even tell her we were going until that very morning because she knew she wouldn't sleep a wink, with excitement. 

-ready to go-

-sarah with her aunt melissa-

-the girls outside the store, just before we went in to shop-
-makayla was overwhelmed with so many choices-

-sarah knew just what she wanted-

-sweet naomi with her babies-

-sarah fell in love with this birthday outfit for bitty baby, so we bought it-

-I had to laugh.  There are convenient hooks in the bathroom to hang your doll up as you "go".-

-she also picked a mealtime set, so she can feed bitty baby-what a good mama-


After shopping, we ate lunch together at The Cheesecake Factory and then Sarah got her ears pierced!  I'll share those pictures tomorrow.  Happy Monday!


  1. How fun! What a wonderful store for little Mommy's -in-training. We don't have one in our area, but I bet my older daughter would be quite smitten in that store! Mmmm we DO have a Cheesecake Factory! Yum :)

  2. SO cute! And what a fun adventure. I never went to one of these stores, I don't think they exist in Canada, but I'm sure I would have loved it.

  3. How delightful! One of my daughters love AG dolls etc. She still has them to this day. American Girl products are pricey but the quality is excellent and well worth the money.

  4. One of my girls got to visit the American Girl store when she was on vacation in New York! She was 12 I think but she loved it!

  5. hi shanda.......I love how the girls and the boys all had their own special time with family. great memories for sure!!

  6. Shanda, It sounds like such a big and little girl day! The American Girl is sure not for the faint at heart! So much fun for sure! And, I would be right with you if given the chance to go to the Cheesecake Factory!
    - Carmen

  7. What a wonderful time you all had. I wish that someday I can take my grand daughter there, she would love that!Lynn

  8. How FUN!!! We love the American Girl store. We were actually supposed to go on Thursday for Allison's birthday, but she decided to go to the county fair week maybe. ;)

    I love Bitty Baby. My girls have had theirs forever, and I love that they still play with them.
    Sarah made some good choices. I love that last pic where she has one hand on the stroller and a bag dangling from the sweet!

  9. Looks like so so much fun! I laughed over the hooks in the bathroom! This was a PERFECT idea to do with the cousins!
    I really really wanted to see more details of your shirt! And I love you purse!

  10. how fun and so adorable! A special day for the girls!

  11. We were at the one in NYC this summer our granddaughter had so much fun picking out her doll and clothes for the ones she already had. She love the store
