Wednesday, August 28, 2013

a new scedeale

Rich left for work at the same time the older kids left for school.  Grace started High School today, so we have one Freshman, one Sophomore, and one Junior this year.  They have grown up fast and beautifully. 
"Send them out with something to go for and something to come back for.  So you tie home to the school and school to the home.  Both gain new values in the eyes and minds of the children."
"A child who cannot have freedom for growth cannot grow."
(angelo patri)
I said "see you later!" to our three High School children and then went down to the boys' room to wake up David and Caleb.  I found that David had put his clothes at the end of his bed with a written "scedeale" for himself.  One hopes that he learns how to spell "schedule" in fifth grade.  Caleb woke up ready for action, but I had to wake up Davy several times before he got up out of his nice comfortable bed.  They proceeded throughout the morning according to Davy's list.

Origami is still all the rage in David's life.  He folds paper every day and tries to teach Caleb, too.  But when he tried to teach him the Ninga star, he got frustrated that Caleb had problems focusing.  "Yeah, I can't focus!" Caleb agreed.   One hopes that Caleb learns to focus in third grade.

They are really handsome.


  1. They look so ready for this day to begin! Get ready momma for all of the first day of school stories they will tell you when they get back home! I miss those days, they went by too fast. Lynn

    1. It was great so hear all the stories. Time flies fast, I get sad sometimes! So thankful to be making the memories, though.

  2. Grace looks so nice! (Well all your kids do :) And wow you have a junior this year. We will blink and you will be blogging about his first day of college. I liked the advice from yesterday, still true all these years later. Have a blessed day. I read your blog every day and enjoy it so.

    1. Good to know you stop here and enjoy it, thank you Pam! Have a great weekend!

  3. I LOVE the two boys on the bus, so adorable. I can't believe three of your children are in high school.
    Time flies.

    LOVE the new scedeale!
    Happy First Day of school to everyone! :)

  4. LOVE that he made a schedule. How cute! Hey, we have minecraft addicts over here too . . . I notice you didn't call anyone an addict but I've seen how that game affects its players firsthand! ;)

    3 in high school, whoo! Fun!

    1. David especially loves to play. They all do, I for one can't seem to figure out what's so addicting about it!

  5. What a handsome bunch you have there! Good job mom and dad! :-) loved the scedeale too!

  6. I particularly like the scedeale. I am a list person, so appreciate that. :)

  7. Oh my gosh that schedule is just ADORABLE!! and the hair..handsome little men you got there!

    1. I lost the link to your new site! Can you send me another invite?
