Saturday, August 3, 2013

faces I love

Rich was gone for the last week (SEVEN days), at camp with the children.  The first few days were depressing, but I have found that if I only keep busy the time will fly and we will make special memories, even if we are missing four family members.  All in all, David, Caleb, Seth, and Sarah, and I really did have a fun week. 
On Wednesday night, my sister and her husband came over, my brother and his wife came, too, along with the little cousins.  We had a pizza dinner and roasted marshmallows outside in the fire pit.  It was a gorgeous night, cool and lovely, the air smelling fresh like grass and trees.
"The best and most beautiful things
in the world
cannot be seen or even touched,
but must be felt in the heart."
Helen Keller
Shanda, Amanda, and Melissa

I've been working on updating photo albums and we looked at pictures and sighed over how fast time is flying by.

My brother, Nathan

Uncle Jason and Dave went in the woods and collected dry wood for the fire and got a good one started for us.  The marshmallows were a big hit, even three year old Sarah roasted her own.

my son enjoying his 20th marshmallow, or maybe just his fourth?

Amanda being silly

Jason and Amanda

Nate and Melissa

Right after I took this picture, Sarah's marshmallow shot out of her mouth!

~trying to roast the perfectly golden marshmallow~

Uncle Nathan, and Davy

the little cousins on the dock

Nate and Melissa with their children

with Seth, Sarah, Caleb, and Dave, my treasures and pals this week.  We survived a broken window, the freezer being left open all day, and a hole in a leg. 

Jason and Amanda with two of their three children

I think it is important for adult siblings to continue spending quality time with each other through the years, as we all grow and change. It's fun to catch up and get to know each other again.  When I was a little girl, I loved going to family gatherings and running wild with my cousins.  I feel proud to see the next generation, my children and my nieces and nephews, doing the same things together around the playset, the ponds, and fire pit roasting marshmallows.  There is always a part of me that still feels like a kid when I spend time with my own brothers and sisters, as we laugh and act silly together. 

It was a wonderful night and the next day was exciting, too.  Amanda, Melissa, and I took the girls to the American Girl store.  I'll share pictures from that adventure the next time I blog. 

".....our hearts are conscious of our treasures."  Thorton Wilder

"It's not what you look at that matters, but what you see."  Thoreau


  1. Beautiful memories Love you sissy xo

  2. Lovely! We just spent a weekend with family celebrating my cousins wedding - such fun for siblings & /cousins to be together again. All our silly stories and memories come out. All the times we spent at Gma and Gpa's, all our Christmas dinners, Easter egg hunts. So much fun! Glad you had a good week.

  3. How wonderful!! :) all the kids are growing up so fast. I looked through pics recently too.. can't believe how fast the time flies.

  4. Oh, what wonderful pictures. I really like the one on the dock.

  5. Beautiful shot of the little ones on the dock!

  6. I love the pic of the kids on the dock, and the one of you and the little ones! Yes siblings are important, they should be the best friends.

  7. i loved seeing these pics, so happy and relaxing! i agree, nothing quite like good family times....

  8. Love all the pictures.
    I too think it's important for adult siblings to spend time together. I am very blessed to live so close to all of my family...we are all within 15 minutes of each other. (Hopefully the other 5 children still at home will stay in the area when they move out of my parents house!)

    The picture on the dock I think I would print out and hang somewhere, it is so sweet.

  9. A hole in a leg? :):) I just love your blog!!!
