Wednesday, August 14, 2013

one last post before something explodes!

My computer is doing some reeeeeally scary things and I'm afraid that it has a virus, or possibly 10 or more different ones at once.  So, I'm going to post this one last post and then take it to the doctor at Best Buy.  I know I've been terrible at visiting other blogs lately, it's because of my computer problems.  I'll be around as soon as possible, I miss you guys!


I heartily recommend this book.

my funny chickens

Gary has me practicing up four hymns that he picked for this Sunday's Bible study at my house.  Of course they are all fast moving ones so I need to practice every day.  I had to laugh when Silkie got up on the keys to keep me company.

I was picking wildflowers from the side of the road yesterday and found a blueberry bush.  I was picking some to give to Seth when we saw THIS SNAKE IN the bush!  I guess he likes berries, too?

Our kittens give us continual pleasure, they are so funny and love to play...and, sit in sunbeams.

Our new addition is coming along nicely, I'm dreaming of moving in!  I'll have a whole little room just for me, a pantry!  With a window!

What a four year old boy does when you aim the camera at him.  I love you, Seth.

I love this picture of Ethan and his dog.  Ethan chose and ordered the cross necklace for himself from amazon.  Then, he wondered why it took almost 2 weeks to arrive; it was shipped directly from CHINA.  :)

This is the first crop of peaches from our tree and it's loaded.  I can't wait until they ripen.

Jacob and Ethan are starting their fall H.S. sports this week.  Ethan is trying out for soccer and Jacob is trying out for football.  Grace has been practicing her script for Drama and asking the boy lots of questions about the rules in High School.  High School!  I could cry, really, I could. 

love.  Shanda


  1. A peach tree! Lovely. Our computer has big issues, too, so I usually use the iPad or my phone :)

  2. lovely as always. :)
    And I love the cross necklace. and his wrist band, reminds me of my Shelton.
    The boys are growing up!
    School is starting once more! how fast Summer has flown.

    1. I have been thinking about you! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. You are so brave, if I saw that snake, I would have run! Hope your computer gets well soon. lynn

  4. One time, a long time ago, I was picking blueberries. I reached in, pulled back some branches and saw and BIG nasty spider. I let those branches loose and that was that. I stayed on the edge of the bushes after that. I haven't had the opportunity to pick since then.

  5. Hope the doc fixes your computer right up ... your sweet posts would be missed!
    I would enjoy having some chickens of my own ... but, I'll pass on the snake, lol!
    Your Silkie looks just like my Miss Pookie ... she loves music and sunbeams, too. :)
    Your new room addition will have lots of lovely light ... I would like that.
    Fresh peaches - can't ripen fast enough,
    and our children - don't grow slow enough.
    My boy is all grown up, and I've wondered how it could happen so fast.
    I remember his days as a young boy, and I still cry from time to time ...
    but, that's okay!
    Blessings - Debi

  6. Hi! I think I'm finally figuring out how to comment : )
    Still love your blog, the you&rich pictures are just what marriage should be, your addition looks great, always like your chickens : )
    Hope you're enjoying the last summer days.
    ~ Alli

  7. Hope your computer problem is resolved easily. Since Daniel is a Geek squad guy and has taught David our computers are well taken care of. Dan is always telling us to use our service through Best Buy, but asking him is usually easier :-P
    We hope someday to have a place with chickens and fruit trees! So happy for the abundant peaches you have. our friend brought us farm fresh eggs from a ranch she works on. They are so pretty and so yummy.
    Cute kitties. They must be loads of fun and entertainment. I love the kitty on the piano.
    Your addition looks great. How fun is that to have room to spread out, and a pantry!
    Great pic of Ethan and Parker. So special to pick out a cross necklace. David picked one several years ago from one of the artists at the Sawdust. It is on a silver chain and he would like to put it on a leather cord.
    Our love to you all. Jenny
