Thursday, September 12, 2013

"warm september brings the fruit"

This is how the morning began; with the sun coming up from behind the trees to burn the fog away.
Later on, Seth, Sarah, and I went for a walk in the cool woods.
Right away we found a patch of pretty purple wildflowers.

This is the mature flower; it never opens up.  One time I saw a bumblebee pushing into one to get the pollen, it's little legs were sticking straight out.

This is an Autumn Olive Berry bush, although it is a very invasive plant that is growing everywhere, I recently discovered that the berries are edible and quite nutritious.  So now I eat them as we walk.

They start out sour in the mouth, but the middles are sweet.  There is one seed, which I spit out.

An upside down mushroom, just the way I found it.

It was all their idea to take along baggies of snacks. 
They had a picnic.

We found a spot that had many empty hickory nut shells lying around.
A chipmunk village?

If you truly love nature
you will find beauty everywhere.
Vincent Van Gogh

i just want to explore

“I am rich today with autumn’s gold.”
— Gladys Harp

Just when I was remarking to the children that we hadn't seen a toad, I almost stepped on one.  Seth picked it up, he said he was good at catching them.

Seth brought the toad home.
I went to get the mail and noticed...... many beautiful wild grapes growing in the trees that I......
......picked some and made homemade wild grape jam during naptime!
Pectin was unnecessary; I simply followed the recipe in my canning cookbook.
8 cups of grapes, cleaned up and boiled down
with 6 cups of sugar until it got thick enough.
Then processed in jars for 10 minutes.
*pure and simple with grapes from the side of the road*
There was enough left over to try on buttered toast.


  1. I actually made a motivational poster with that pic of the bee you mentioned...

    couldn't resist!

  2. the jam looks so delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Got your comment on xanga. my blog is at Thats where I do all my main blogging and I have another for thoughts I want to write about but don't want my kids to read but I dont write there as often. I used to use protected posts for that on xanga. Sure miss it

  3. Beautiful berries and grapes! I would live to taste the jam. Looks like Sarah's kitty snuck into the photo shoot. ;)

    1. She left that kitty in Starbucks this morning! Poor kitty.

  4. Oh fun to go for a walk and find enough grapes to make jam!
    My neighbor and I are planting a few vines this fall so next year or the next we are able to have grapes. :)

    I love your woods!!!
    I need to catch up on your blog..but I have to get up very, very early for a market.
    I'll be back this weekend to read the rest of your posts. Your blog is still one of my favorites and I don't like to miss anything. It's like reading a book and I don't want to skip a chapter.
    Happy Thursday evening to you.

    1. Thank you for the note, Liz. I enjoy reading your blog and know that this is a very busy time of year for you! Hugs!

  5. Hi Shanda, Seth is looking so grown up. You captured a great shot of him. Also love the sunlight on the unwashed eggs in the previous post. xx

  6. We always love tagging along on your walks through the woods! Is it early for the grapes? How wonderful to make jam. Seth is such a handsome little guy. He looks a lot like Davy. What a cute toad home!

  7. I always love the way you capture nature with your camera. I am always left thinking that so much must slip past me each day without me noticing. It makes me want to pay closer attention to life.

    PS: I keep expecting Euell Gibbons to pop out from behind one of those trees in your woods. :) He'd never starve, that's for sure.
