Wednesday, September 18, 2013

a gorgeous sky

"And one called to another and said, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory!"  Isaiah 6:3

"Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!
Let your glory be over all the earth!" 
Psalm 57:5


It was such a beautiful evening on Monday.  In front of me, the sky was dark with heavy cloud and behind me a bright sun was going down, shining it's glorious light on the trees.    God has created such a beautiful world for us to enjoy and admire.   Almost every day I see something of delight, today it was the bright red ball of berries from a Jack in the Pulpit flower.  No longer a flower, but berries on a short stalk between two big green leaves.  The stream is low but still trickling along, I like to close my eyes and listen to it.  I rested my cheek against a pine tree and could smell the pitch.  The sky is clear and bright blue today and smells so sweet.

The sunflower at the front steps inspires me.  Though it was damaged twice, it continued to recover and bloom.  Three blossoms instead of the one.  Incredible.

The leaves here are just starting to change color, and when they are at peek what a stunning view it will be.  The children will collect fallen leaves and dark brown acorns off the ground and show them to us.  We will go apple picking and to the pumpkin patch.  I am slowly collecting costumes for Halloween.  I just drank a glass of cold cider, we put on jackets this morning, and the goldenrod is in full bloom.

I'm thankful for this time of year.


  1. Thanks for sharing! Beautiful photos.

  2. Beautiful photos! and Happy Anniversary, a little late!

  3. It's gorgeous. Your front porch looks very inviting. I'm catching your excitement for Fall, though it will be a while before the temperatures cool down here, and there will be no leaves changing here. :( When we finally move to our new place though...I'm so looking forward to moving to a place that has a real 'Fall'. Until then, I'll just have to share yours. :)

  4. what beautiful pictures!!

    I love the sunflower story!! What a wonderful reminder about how when we are broken it is sometimes to bear more fruit. Thank you.

  5. Beautiful! Our colors are already changing. I was in Anchorage with Beth yesterday (she got her braces on), and the drive home was gorgeous! We saw lots of fresh snow on the mountains.

  6. Beautiful! Our colors are already changing. I was in Anchorage with Beth yesterday (she got her braces on), and the drive home was gorgeous! We saw lots of fresh snow on the mountains.

  7. I'm thankful too. Canning is in full swing here. I loved your grape post the other day. Made me want to come walk those woods of yours.... sigh. :)
    We had our car trunk full of tomatoes the other night. A friend did farmers market this summer and is also a teacher, so now that school is in session, the garden is being left to whoever wants it. So today in the midst of a thunderstorm we're busy in the kitchen. The 6 yo peels and washes tomatoes while the 1yo serenades us and we all listen to the rain out the window.
    Fall is such a beautiful season isn't it?
    Praise Him!!
    Bobby Jo
    PS. Thanks for the sweet blog comments. Made my day!

  8. oh, it's just beautiful there Shanda! no wonder you see something delightful each and every day! i especially love the shot(s) where the sky and trees are reflected on the water.
    i cannot believe i have never been to the new england states. someday. maybe. =)
    have a great day Shanda!

  9. so very beautiful!! this is my favorite time of year
