Tuesday, July 30, 2013

at the end of the rainbow is a David

We had a sunny, late afternoon rain here yesterday and a rare treat.  A rainbow appeared, and the end landed right at the bottom of our driveway.  We didn't find a pot of gold, but David ran down in excitement, and he's worth more than all the gold in the world to me.

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky...

~William Wordsworth

God's glowing covenant.  ~Hosea Ballou


  1. Wow! That's so neat how you could see the end of the rainbow. It's a good thing he didn't try to climb it, who knows where he'd be now.

  2. How cool is that? I've never seen an actual end to a rainbow before!

  3. I love rainbows. It has been awhile since I saw one.

  4. Lovely! We drove through the end of a rainbow once. Very cool!

  5. I do believe he would be considered priceless treasure for sure! Fun picture!

  6. How fun to have the rainbow end in your driveway!!!

  7. That first picture was very neat! I have never seen that before! We had a full double rainbow coming out of church the other night...

  8. Shanda, wow! I don't think I've ever seen the end of a rainbow. How delightful to have it right there.

  9. We have had a lot of rainbows this summer, too! Which also means we have had a lot of rain... def puts a damper on pool days! Great photos!

    This also reminds me: there was a rainbow in the sky when Cora was born (my mom took a photo of it) and the night Aiden was born there was a full moon (she took a photo of it, too).

  10. Such beautiful pictures, Shanda!! I've enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning. :)

  11. I love that! It's kind of funny too because yesterday in our Old Testament Catechism study we do at home, we talked about the rainbow, or as Steven kept saying "The bow in the clouds" and confusing the boys! ha!
